is only me AND us; US and Me! You cannot have one without the other.
We each leave our imprint and we are each an equally important member of
the universal mosaic.”
don't who you are or what you would have become but I know the time was
never right for you and I to meet. For you, I wanted better than what I
had. I wanted you to feel whole and healthy, strong and empowered,
loved, respected and accepted. Most of all I wanted you to live a life
full of challenge and meaning to grow into your own full potential
while at the same time be able to build bridges of co-operation with
those around you, be they near or far. On some deep guttural level, I
knew I could not give you any of this: not from a personal perspective,
not from a family perspective and certainly not from a societal
perspective. So even though I cried myself to sleep for many years when
mid life arrived knowing children would not come, not bringing you into
the world was the right choice.
hope you understand my yet to be born child that I could not bring you
into this world. You see, I could never find that family environment I
craved having survived a world war from age 0-4 and then grew up in a
home full of confusion, discourse, tension, loneliness, and much love
that, on some level, felt more like pain. My adult years were spent in
and out of mental hospitals as I searched for survival and a place to
belong. In midlife, I began a journey of fixing my inner brokenness so
that today, when I am in my seventies, I think I could be a whole
person to guide you to your full potential but alas my biological clock
has ticked. I miss you! However, I am glad you are not yet here. What
I see in this world is what I saw in my own family: confusion,
discourse, tension, loneliness, and love that feels like pain. I also
see hatred, abandonment, power mongering, cruelty, disregard, torture,
selfishness and fear that is translating into nothing short of ugly
behaviour. I want better for you! In fact, I want better for all the
world's children! They all deserve better!
is good in this world, a lot of it, with many hands trying to tip the
balance. Yet, somehow we, as a species, have not yet been able to
break through the glass ceiling of negativity so that the good in us can
lead. I have not yet given up hope that some day, you can come to
this world and find it a better place:
- A world where we treat each other with respect, where no person considers her/himself as more than or less than another.
- A world of sustainability where we have learned to live as part of nature, not as its masters
- A world where decisions are made through consensus by everyone across the globe, with exactly one voice and one vote, for each person who has reached the age of consent, which has yet to be agreed upon.
- A world where we act locally to raise our young to be their best selves to live empowered lives so that we have positive communities with bridges of co-operation between them.
- A world where the goal is to be contented with enough so that we can be a beautiful mosaic and thus a positive force of love in this grand universe that lifts up, instead of "love" that brings pain!
tall order, I know but as in archery, if we do not aim high, we will
never hit the centre. The world I dream of for you may never be as ideal
as I envision it but it can be much, much better than it is currently.
For more information on "Talking to the Sky" see: https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=2504611549752&se t=a.1316822695773.37358.168690 7423&type=3&theater
For an expanded note on the "Me and Us", see: https://www.facebook.com/ notes/marianne-van-der-wel/ me-and-us/10150317271976620
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